About Us

I was born and brought up in a nominal Christian family in Munnar Kerala. In the year 1971,I came to Palayam kottai for my college education, while I was studying in St.Johns college and staying at the Schafter hostel the Lord saved me at the age of 17. The Lord led me very clearly to attend the Church of  Apostle Dr M.Rajendran then The Indian Christian assembly.

I was baptized by Dr M.Rajendran in 1971 and also anointed by the Holy Spirit. The Lord called me into the full-time ministry when I was attending a youth camp connected by our church. Rev. Baskardasan an honourable and reputed servant of God was one of the guest speakers of the Youth camp from Chennai prophesied  that the Lord is Calling me into the full-time ministry.”I have chosen you from your mother’s womb before your bones were created and mine eyes have seen it”, be under my strong hand until I call you.

My father had a desire to educate me in the engineering line and wanted to become an engineer, because it was very rare to be an  Engineer in those days. But the desire of the Lord was different altogether, because my father prayed for a son and he committed himself that I will send back my son into the ministry and the Lord heard the prayer and was born to my parents. In God’s time at the age of 17 he called me into the ministry by the prophecy by Rev. Baskardawson and Mother Agnes. Immediately I attempted to go to the A.G.Bible school at Madurai but apostle Rajendran advised me to do the college education and oblige his advice I joined to do B.A.(BACHELOR OF ARTS)in the Sadakkathulla Appa college,Ragmath Nagar,High Ground,Palayamkottai.

BUT MY FATHER WAS CONTINUOUSLY REFUSING ME TO SEND ME TO THE BIBLE COLLEGE FOR FULL-TIME MINISTRY. but I was preparing for the full-time ministry though my father refused me and when I was doing my final year the Lord spoke to my father in a dream and asked him a question, will you not give your son to my ministry?, if so I will take his life because you prayed for a son and committed that you will give him back to my ministry, but now forgetting your vow and now you refuse to give him back to me for my ministry. At once the Lord had spoken to him with tears he committed me to the Lord and said that Lord you send him for the ministry.During the Christmas holidays when I went home to Kerala my father told me that you can go to the ministry and I will not object to you. I was astonished to hear his word because for the last two and a half years he was refusing me to enter into the ministry but now all of a sudden he says that you please go to the ministry and I will pay the fee to the Bible college and then I asked my father what happened and with tears in his eyes he politely answered me that it is my mistake, to refuse you to send the ministry but I have made a promise to the Lord when you are born, now the Lord reminded me, so you go to the ministry. I was so glad to hear from my father such a word and I came again to Palayamkottai to continue my studies and graduated in the year 1975.




              THE LORD helped me to go to SABC in the year 1975 as soon as I graduated from the college and I did my Bachelor of Divinity. In 1978 I graduated from SABC and returned to Palayamkottai. During the period I did  Master of Arts (M.A.)

After gaining an experience of more than Ten years as a Pastor and a professor in our GOOD NEWS MISSION BIBLE COLLEGE The LORD provided an opportunity to do DOCTOR OF MINISTRY(D. Min) in the ASIA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY.  

Meanwhile  my Academic Dean Dr.  T. C  George approached me that the community has chosen me to send me to Mysore to start the Kanada Church and they are ready to help me financially and also to learn Kanada. Dr. W. GREEN FROM THE UNITED STATES was ready to sponsor this program to start yet Kanada Church at Mysore.

                I understood that it was not the will of God for me to go and Pioneer a church at Mysore, rather I would go to Palayamkottai to assist my Pastor Apostle M. Rajendran. As soon as I graduated I travelled back to Palayamkottai to be an assistant to Apostle Dr M Rajendran.


                One day he called me to go to a place called PETTAI where a branch church was functioning under Rev. A S Arul Raj. Since he wanted to go to Bible college, he left for  Danishpet to study in the Bethel  Bible college.

               I went for the first time to conduct the Sunday service in the first week of March 1978, after the service while I was sleeping in the room, the Lord spoke to me that “I have kept an open door and nobody can shut it”. This promise was given to the  Philadelphia Church(Rev.3:8)

                First when I saw the place I was really crying,how can I do the ministry here, will I be successful? there were so many questions crossing in my mind and tears in my eyes, but after the Lord has spoken to me I decided and committed to minister in that place until my death and continuing the ministry in the same place for the last 46 years as a Pastor


The Lord has blessed me with a gifted wife Mrs. KAMALA M.A, B.Ed, M.Div, M.Phil. and three children. One son and Two daughters and all of them are doing the ministry.

THE PHILADELPHIA GOOD NEWS MISSION CHURCH, which is one of the branch Churches of GOOD NEWS MISSION. The pre-fix PHILADELPHIA is added to the identification of the branch Church of Good News Mission.

               In the beginning when I went , there were hardly 8 members in the Church. This church was a house 🏠 church from 1978 till 1985. In the year 1985 we built a church with thatched  roof and continued in the same church until 2000.Dr.CLIFFORD KUMAR came for a special meeting and stayed in our house because there was no room available in the hotel. The next morning when he left, he told me that an old man of this place would come and meet you for a purpose and through him you would also be benefited and he did not mention what it would be,but I believed.

              As he said the next day an old man who is the village KARNAM of PETTAI visited me and requested me that he is troubled with  the guilty conscience because his father was wounded and dishonoured by him, when he wanted to visit him, he locked his house and went away. His father came and disappointed that the house was locked.It was a great insult to him.

               Mr.THATCHANAMOORTHY the The village karnam wanted to have a propitiation for his actions against his father and now he’s no more but his conscious was guilty because of his actions when his father was alive. He was coming to meet me at my house and I looked at him and remember the words of Dr Clifford Kumar said that an old man would come for a propitiation and meet you and through him and something good will come to you.

               Carefully listened him and explained what should be done to come out of the guilty conscience, he’s happy.I presented a New Testament. I inquired about a place to build the church because one day when I was walking through the ground where the church is built now, I heard the audible Voice from God that “IN THIS PLACE YOU WILL BUILD A CHURCH FOR ME “and I did not know that the place belongs to whom.Now he informed the owner of the place. It was exactly how the Lord connected Cornelius and Peter and this is the way the place was bought and the church work was started in the year 2000 and was dedicated in 2003 by Apostle Dr M.Rjendran.








Rev. Dr. D. D. Manoharan

Senior Pastor

FROM 2012 ONWARDS I AM EQUIPPING (THE SAINTS). THE PASTORS IN 14 DISTRICTS IN A MONTH. Teaching and Equipping a group of around Twenty to Fifty Pastors all over Tamil Nadu every month.By the grace of God this ministry has been going on for the last 13 years without break. The main teaching in the meeting is to live along with the word of God and that should not be any contradiction in life and we need to yield the fruit of the spirit in life. The main emphasis is to practice the character of Jesus in our lives. Remarkable changes are happening in the lives of the pastors and we are able to trace out through the feedback they write and give up on the meeting, so it is encouraging. Another emphasis is to be filled in the spirit of God and taste the anointing of the holy spirit in every meeting. Broken relationships are healed and reconciled.

The Philadelphia Good News Mission Church started in 1976 with 8 members and has been growing  remarkably and now nearly 300 members are in the church. From our Church  11Pastors and 4 Sisters have gone for the ministry.

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Mrs. Kamala Manoharan

Pastor Wife & Bible college Teacher

Pastors Family

God has blessed Pastor with a loving family, including one son and two daughters, each making their own unique contributions to spreading God’s word.

Pastor Rajan David Livingston, the eldest, serves the Lord by leading a church in Suthamalli, just 8 kilometers from Pettai. He is joyfully married to Mrs. Fathima Josephine Shoba and together they nurture the spiritual growth of their daughter, Lexia Sharon , and their son, Enoch Sherwin. Pastor Rajan also dedicates his time as the principal of the Good News Mission Bible College in Tirunelveli and is the founder of the Global Mission Initiative, aiming for a worldwide impact through Indian missionaries.

The second sibling, Mrs. Beaulah Mangal, has built her life with Rev. Mangala Kanagaraj, Who is working in Assemblies of God, India. Ministering to the community in Salem city through the Aroma AG Church. They are blessed with two children, Jeffry Quinten, and Jehoboth Quincy, both of whom are growing in a home filled with faith and love.

The youngest, Mrs. Nelly Joanna Rani, along with her husband, missionary Mr. David Balan, have dedicated their lives to serving others. Initially ministering in North India for over five years, they followed a divine call to Japan in 2017, where they continue their ministry. Their journey of faith is shared with their three children, Jonathan Chrisylton, Shingen, and Alicia Carmichael, enriching their missionary life with joy and purpose.

This family, bound by faith and love, continues to spread the teachings of Christ, each in their own unique way, touching lives across the globe.